Alpha Hospital Management Information System (AHMIS)
Complete Hospital Management & Automation System
AHMIS is a complete Hospital Automation Software that suites almost every hospital or medical institution from patient OPD visits, Operation, Pathology Tests, etc. It includes 25+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Doctor, Accountant, Pathologist, Radiologist, Receptionist and Patient) panel.

5 new Payment Gateways (Instamojo, Paystack, Razorpay, Paytm, and Midtrans)
One-Click Updater
Mobile App support (Android mobile app release is expected till the end of September)
Charge Type CRUD
Asynchronous Datatable loading
Disabled Discharged Patient edit
Zoom Live Consultation module
Zoom Live Staff Meeting
Pathology Test Report
Radiology Test Report
Symptoms selection
Balance Report
Multi-Language active support
Prescription Notification
Discharge Summary
Balance Reports