Smart School
Complete School Management & Automation System
Smart School is a modern School Automation Software that suites to almost every school or educational institution from student admission to student leaving, from fee collection to exam results. It includes 30+ modules with 8 inbuilt users (Super Admin, Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Receptionist, Librarian, Parent, and Student) panel.

Brand new examination module with different patterns of exams
Different types of exams
Subject selection of exams
Generate consolidated mark sheet
Print professional mark sheet
Print examination admit card
Import exam marks
Online examination
Custom fields for student and staff
Biometric device support for automated attendance
Audit trail
Student online admission form
Period wise attendance
Flexible timetable schedule for repeated subjects on the same day
Teachers Timetable
Add students in multiple class-sections
Auto-generated admission number in a pre-defined sequence
Multiple fees collection at same time
Charging fine on fees paid after the due date
Discount and Fine in %
Added Fees Print Header Footer
Added Staff Salary Receipt Print Header Footer
The subject in the absent notification for period wise attendance
Added mobile app support
Added 3 new payment gateways – Paystack, Instamojo, and Razorpay
Updated MSG91 library
Staff import
Library book import
Active multiple languages at the same time
Apply leave for student
3 new front site themes
1 New admin panel theme